Several different things were discussed, including some future charity drives we will be having. Included among them is The Red Scarf Project, which will be running from now until the middle of October, so that the scarves can be collected and sent along. Squares were collected for the last charity project, Share a Square on This Eclectic Life. Shelly better watch out, because pretty soon she's going to get herself a whole bushel full!!!
As for the next charity project, we plan on collecting crocheted cat toys, a special project run by our illustrious pattern guru, Michelle.
For the dessert portion of the meeting, my husband had made a turtle cheesecake, a request by our recent newlywed (who unfortunately could not attend due to work constraints. But she was missed!).
Besides my family and our pattern guru being in attendance, we were also able to enjoy the presence of our host, my ever present and cooperative co-owner, Marleen, our internet celebrity in her own right, Krystal and our straight shooter, Barb.
Besides my family and our pattern guru being in attendance, we were also able to enjoy the presence of our host, my ever present and cooperative co-owner, Marleen, our internet celebrity in her own right, Krystal and our straight shooter, Barb.
Ohhh how delish the cheese cake looked! Wish I were there in Buffalo so I could participate in the charity stuff you all are doing and go to the meet-ups. :o)
Maybe you'll get to join in next time you guys get back over to this side of the pond ;-)
I look forward to it!
Yes, the cheesecake does look very, very good!!
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