03 October 2007

Michelle's latest

Dont have pictures to put up.. but will hopefully have some in the next few days.. I am currently working on a scrap rug (in the round), using all odd colors that I dont want to use for anything else.. and also small scraps of yarn..double strand. I want to make this big enough for both my large dogs to lay on in the back room.

I am also working on a granny square afghan for my granddaughter Michelle.. I have one old picture to put up here, but it is now double the size it was in this picture.. lol.. again I will have more pictures soon.
I have been working on getting my craft room organized.. and um.. have discovered alot of stuff I didnt remember I had.. one is a package of cotton yarn (like 10 skeins of it) in a silver gray, that I am using for a kitchen set.