12 August 2008


I did it! I am now (read finally) a member of the GGOA! Crochet Guild Of America for those of you who don't (but ought to) know what that is. Join?

I just may spearhead the idea of building the first Chapter in the Western New York area! The ONLY other Chapters in the state are NYC & Long Island...sad sad truth ...

Please feel free to contact me regarding the upcoming chapter to revive & honor our chosen craft.
Brightest Blessings,

29 July 2008

Better late than n'ever they say

Well after six months I found our site again... I just don't understand WHY people do not like Blogger. Blogger is beautiful, richer, more freedom in posting & photo imagery. And hey if -I- can do this, nearly anyone can!

03 January 2008

Well about time

Ta-dah! OK So here I am. Yes, ladies I've finally gotten my profile setup & promise to do my best to build this beautiful site with my witty posts & presence! Hey no need to laugh that loudly...
Anyway I'll put some pix up as soon as I can...ok ok after I learn HOW... TTFN

22 December 2007

Group update - December 2007

Wow, kinda sad, it's been a while since anyone updated this blog!!!

The group HAS been busy. I am VERY happy to say that while we may not say much in this, our public face and forum on the web, we are a VERY talkative group in email. We have been sharing our lives, our projects, and our thoughts! We have gotten FOUR new members this month, including one from the Southern Tier (always good to see more Southern Tier folk joining the group! Just seeing ANYONE join is a GREAT thing!!!).

We have not had another meeting since September, however we have a member who lives in Arizona coming up to visit next week (she arrives on CHRISTMAS DAY!), so a get together is certainly planned and hoped for! Let's hope the weather cooperates---for her trip, and for a get together! I know the ladies CAN'T WAIT for another cheesecake (hee hee....although I'm getting almost sick of them!!!).

I hope your hook is flying, and that you are producing some wonderful holidays gifts for this season!

03 October 2007

Michelle's latest

Dont have pictures to put up.. but will hopefully have some in the next few days.. I am currently working on a scrap rug (in the round), using all odd colors that I dont want to use for anything else.. and also small scraps of yarn..double strand. I want to make this big enough for both my large dogs to lay on in the back room.

I am also working on a granny square afghan for my granddaughter Michelle.. I have one old picture to put up here, but it is now double the size it was in this picture.. lol.. again I will have more pictures soon.
I have been working on getting my craft room organized.. and um.. have discovered alot of stuff I didnt remember I had.. one is a package of cotton yarn (like 10 skeins of it) in a silver gray, that I am using for a kitchen set.

28 September 2007

September Meeting - 9/22/07

Our meeting today went smashingly. Yarn was swapped, relevant group business was discussed and fun was definitely had by all.

Several different things were discussed, including some future charity drives we will be having. Included among them is The Red Scarf Project, which will be running from now until the middle of October, so that the scarves can be collected and sent along. Squares were collected for the last charity project, Share a Square on This Eclectic Life. Shelly better watch out, because pretty soon she's going to get herself a whole bushel full!!!

As for the next charity project, we plan on collecting crocheted cat toys, a special project run by our illustrious pattern guru, Michelle.

For the dessert portion of the meeting, my husband had made a turtle cheesecake, a request by our recent newlywed (who unfortunately could not attend due to work constraints. But she was missed!).

Besides my family and our pattern guru being in attendance, we were also able to enjoy the presence of our host, my ever present and cooperative co-owner, Marleen, our internet celebrity in her own right, Krystal and our straight shooter, Barb.

Besides eating cheesecake, yarn was swapped, hooks were working and good conversation was had by all. The only decision not made was when we will meet next month. But I know I for one will be looking forward to it!